Jasnogórska Car Center

Car dealership complex, along with the service part of total area of more than 4600m2 was built in the second half of 2013. Thanks to energy-saving solutions the operating costs of the building are minimized.

Dealership is equipped with (among others) an intelligent building management system – Building Management System (BMS) that controls the lighting of the building and optimizes heating and electricity consumption.

The building is equipped with renewable energy sources and the latest LED lighting technology. Since it’s well known that the costs of heating and lighting are directly correlated with environment, you can venture to say that it’s not just showroom with the lowest operating costs per meter of surface, but also probably the most ecological dealership in Poland.

Car dealership of Nissan, Ford and Infiniti in Sosnowiec.

On area of over 8 thousand m2, on the road S86 – at exit from the Silesian region, in the second quarter of 2015roku complex of dealerships of Nissan, Infiniti and a brand new Ford Transit Center were finished.

Architecturally, each building is different, in relation to the requirements and standards of the importer, but the thing that combines them is quality, use of the latest technology in construction results in energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings, with often unique design.

Toruńska Automotive Center

Since 2006, Automotive Center Toruńska located in Warsaw, at the main enterance route to Warsaw – Trasa Toruńska.

Currently Automotive Center offers nine brands, ranging from Ford, Fiat, Suzuki, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Seat, Kia and ending with Infiniti.

With such rich scope of brands offered by Automotive Center our offer continues to be attractive.

Development of the Automotive Centre Krzemionki

Development of the Automotive Centre Krzemionki with new, modern building dedicated for Infiniti car brand showroom was launched in the fall of 2015.

The new dealership has to meet all environmental standards, from LED lighting to optimization of use of electrical and heating energy.

Office Building - Bielany Business Point

Office building – Bielany Business Point was designed as a first-class office building type A, according to Modern Office Standards Poland. Building meets the requirements both in terms of economy and ecology. Ecological approach is visible by minimization of negative impact of the building on environment in sustainable development spirit. The economic aspect takes into account the minimization of maintenance costs in the scale of building life cycle.

Investor’s assumption was to achieve synergy in both aspects but also focused on providing of comfort and prestige to the future tenants. The effect is visible by use of modern solutions in the isolation facility, for both walls and windows, heating and cooling, heating and cooling recovery, providing cost reduction of facility maintenance.

For employees who prefer to ride a bike, there are prepared a special rooms where they will be able to take a shower and change their clothes in the changing rooms. In order to ensure convenient conditions of advertising for tenants, Investor prepared dedicated space on the roof of the building, the facade and advertising pylon, which will create the possibility to identify the object with the brand of tenant. Atrium provides a space to meet the needs of employees, ie. Restaurant, a kiosk or ATM.

More new estates coming soon

Write to us

  • tel. 12 300 00 77
  • e-mail: biuro@megapolis.pl

MEGAPOLIS Spółka z o.o. z siedzibą: 30-403 Kraków, ul. Rzemieślnicza 26, wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie XI Wydział Gospodarczy KRS: 0000295701, Kapitał Zakładowy: 50.000 zł,
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Ul. Puszkarska 7f, 30-644 Kraków